Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Just let people talk, listen to what they have to say, know when to stop listening. Do whatever you want to do and do it for the right reasons. Wear what you want to whenever you want to. If you border too close to a stereotype well tough shit because there are way too many to avoid all of them. It's inevitable that you're going to be associated with one, just stay out of the center of it and mix shit up every now and again. If you were devoid of all stereotypes you'd be wearing a potato sack in the woods. And I bet even that has it's own stereotype out there somewhere. There are those who live and breathe their fashion and choices of style and there are those who accept that they're going to dress like other people in the world and spend their time with more contemplative and lofty pursuits.

Just some good old fashioned motivated mind-puke.


Neoteny said...

oi, you just bashed me! you're right though, and i realized that as i typed up that rant with budding regret. to be fair however(i just feel slightly obligated to offer some sort of defense...), "motivated mind-puke," is a term worth describing such cyclical drivel and to be branded sucks either way.

the skies electric said...

Oh no, it wasn't an intentional bash, it was just a quick thought about the whole idea of people calling other people out for being to similar to one another, which in itself sounds pretty trivial. Especially when it's so easy to stop and explain exactly why you aren't like one specific stereotype.